So I dashed out with my Nikon, to snap the Moon and Jupiter conjunction.
The image here is a composite, with one exposure for the Moon, taken with my 55-200mm Nikon Zoom lens (200mm)
And the image of Jupiter. Is with the lens open at 55mm.

On the following night. Wednesday December 7th. The skies were mainly clear. But with a bigg fat Moon washing everything out, there really isn't a lot you can do.
So armed with my Nikon D40 and a heavy, and very solid, Soligor 254mm telephoto lens, I took this picture of the Moon at F11.
This is a very good lens, built in the day's when things were built to last. It is a manual lens with a range from f4.5 to f32, and was designed to be used with film (m42) thread cameras and was built in the 1960s
This is a stack of 4 frames, at 160th second at 200 iso. Shot in continuous mode. with lens and camera, tripod mounted.
You have to try don't you.
What a GREAT photo of Jupiter and the Moon Paul!!! :)