The skies where I live were fantastic, with the Milky way faintly visible to the unaided eye, and together with that. You could also see the NAN, NGC7000, together with all of Aquarius, and the small and often over looked constellation of Equuleus. NLM was an estimated m+4.8
I looked firstly at C2003P Hartley, and noticed how much it had brightened since my last observation. I then moved over to some favourite dso's and started with M15, and then M2. Both were superb through my 24mm Panoptic and 10" Dobsonian (x50).
I then decided to have a look at the Western Veil; NGC6960. I could see 52 Cygni so I new that I could find it.
I used a wide field eyepiece, my 35mm Celestron Ultima, together with my Lumicon OIII. I centred the star, and found the Veil almost immediately.
The view at 35x magnification was just right, and I managed to make a drawing with out to much trouble.
Here attached is my drawing.

I packed UP shortly afterwards because I was tired, but happy.
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