These contributions are again from Paul.
Sun Fun
Sunday 241010 11pm
Three active sunspot regions were clearly visible one due west, one in the north west quarter and one towards the east. The latter contained at least four small sunspots. There were two other interesting regions with possible sunspot or filaments, one near the south west limb and one on the west, hard to resolve.
Plages surrounded four of the regions I saw. Broad filaments were located in the north east and south west quarters
Prominences occured around the limb, the longest one due south. A busy Sun indeed again.
Plages surrounded four of the regions I saw. Broad filaments were located in the north east and south west quarters
Prominences occured around the limb, the longest one due south. A busy Sun indeed again.
Comet 103P Hartley
Sunday 241010 1.30am
Another composite of 5 x 5min images stacked on the head and processed in Photoshop. As green as green can be, because of cyanide gas released as some of the core sublimes.