Saturday 4 August 2012

Recent Solar observations

It's been a while since I was able to update my blogg. The reason. Our lousy Summer weather.

I wish I could say balmy, but June, July and now August look like being a wash out. I hope we begin to get some decent weather come September, and perhaps we will have an Indian Summer!

When the weather as been more co-operative. I have been able to make some observation's of our nearest star. The Sun.

This huge nuclear furnace lying at 93 million miles is getting very active. With almost something new, rotating onto the white light visible surface every day.

I don't image the Sun, but prefer to draw what I see. I use a nice 65mm ED Nikon birding scope fitted with a BAADER WHITE LIGHT FILTER.

Using this equipment. I am able to get out and look at the Sun, at a moments notice. This is far better than dragging the big scopes out side, and spending valuable time setting up.

You will see here a small selection of drawings made over the past couple off week's. And they show you how active our Sun is.

August 04th

 July 30th

 July 29th

 July 24th