There is still plenty to see when full astronomical darkness comes shortly after 22:00 ut. And last night was know exception.
The skies where I live had been wonderfully clear all day, and I had received notice, about some recent supernovae that were visible. So I decided to set up, and enjoy taking CCD image's of.
Messier 51 and 2011DH (M+14). And then NGC6801 and supernova 2011DF (M+16).
Both of these object's were tricky, especially Messier 51 with it's near impossible altitude. I had to switch off the guiding, and take 4x30 second UN-guided exposures. Then regrettably I had to leave it. The angle of the G11, made imaging, impossible.
NGC6801 was also difficult but, not as difficult as I had imagined. This galaxy is tiny, and lies very close to Kappa Cygni, and is in a bad area of sky to find galaxies. I suspect if this galaxy were out side the plane of our home galaxy, it might be brighter.
NGC6801 is small and it is a type Sc Galaxy, in Cygnus , it can be found at.
Right Ascension (2000.0): 19:27:35.9 (h:m:s)
Declination (2000.0): +54:22:21 (deg:m:s)
m_b: 14.6 (mag) , m_v: 13.9 (mag) , SB: 13.6 (mag per square arcmin)
Dimension: 1.30 x 0.7 (arcmin) , PA: 44
Cross Identifications: UGC 11443, MCG 9-32-5, ZWG 281.3, PGC 63229, IRAS19264+5416
Declination (2000.0): +54:22:21 (deg:m:s)
m_b: 14.6 (mag) , m_v: 13.9 (mag) , SB: 13.6 (mag per square arcmin)
Dimension: 1.30 x 0.7 (arcmin) , PA: 44
Cross Identifications: UGC 11443, MCG 9-32-5, ZWG 281.3, PGC 63229, IRAS19264+5416
Both Sn are arrowed, and both were imaged from my home here in Cheshire, with a Atik16ic and Orion Optics 200-800 F4 on a Losmandy G11. Guiding was carried out with a QHY5 TS, OAG, and PHD.