Saturday, 22 May 2010

Sunny Saturday

As this is the first time that I have posted a BLOG (I still can't get my head around that word)I thought I would introduce myself.

My name is Paul, and I have been interested in amateur astronomy since childhood. I was more of an arm chair astronomer back then. It wasn't until the formation of my astronomical society in 1990, that I really started taking an interest in the subject again.

I bought my first telescope in 1990 a 6" Newtonian, and I have owned two more telescope's since 1990.

During that latter day's of the 20th century I stared thinking about astro imaging. And I began to climb the hill of this very fascinating, and often trouble-some hobby.

The equipment that I use for CCD imaging are the listed below.

Orion Optics SPX 200-800 f4 "AG"
Losmandy G11 Gemini level 4 GOTO
William Optics ZS66SD (for guiding)
Atik 16ic

Last year and particularly this year. I have been keen to get back to basics again, and begin visual observing again.
I sold my 12" DX300 F4 last year, to fund the SPX 200, and this year I sold my fourteen years old 8" GX200.

In April I took the plunge and bought from Orion Optics (all my scopes are from this firm in Crew) an OD250S f4.8 deluxe dobsonian. I collect this new telescope on June 2nd.

With the telescope I hope to be able to enjoy my hobby again, after spending to many night's capturing CCD image's. And I can also get away into the Peak district where the skies are darker than here.

I'm an all round amateur astronomer, and I enjoy looking at the Moon and bright planets, and observing the Sun, through a white light solar filter.

But my main interest is in the Deep Sky, so hence the tittle of my blog spot. I hope to start posting my observations on here as soon as possible.

Once I get to know the sky again, I hope in four years to upgrade to ether an OD350 or a Meade light bridge 16".

I am a member of Macclesfield Astronomical Society, which celebrates it's 20th birthday today, at Macclesfield Town Hall. And I am also the society's observing co-ordinator.

I am also a member of the British Astronomical Association the Society for Popular Astronomy and the Webb Deep Sky Society.

Clear Skies